Another Way Is Possible
Giving for Change News

Giving for Change News

Announcing the 2023 #ShiftThePower Fellows

Announcing the 2023 #ShiftThePower Fellows

The  #ShiftThePower Fellowship, organized by the Global Fund for Community Foundations, is excited to announce the second cohort of the ...
A filantropia comunitária está mudando a mentalidade na Etiópia

A filantropia comunitária está mudando a mentalidade na Etiópia

Quando o primeiro-ministro Abiy Ahmed assumiu o poder na Etiópia em 2018, as esperanças no país pareciam ter se renovado ...
La philanthropie communautaire révolutionne les mentalités en Éthiopie

La philanthropie communautaire révolutionne les mentalités en Éthiopie

En 2018, lorsque le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed est arrivé au pouvoir, l'espoir semblait renaître pour le pays lorsqu'il a ...
Community philanthropy changes mindsets in Ethiopia

Community philanthropy changes mindsets in Ethiopia

In 2018 when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came into power, there seemed to be renewed hope for the country when ...
September: Transforming Philanthropy Month

September: Transforming Philanthropy Month

A diverse, multifaceted movement aiming to promote greater visibility of the agendas and practices of community and social justice philanthropy ...
A videira que cresceu na adversidade

A videira que cresceu na adversidade

Continuar o trabalho em meio a um conflito violento requer habilidade, resiliência e inteligência. Para os palestinos, os últimos 100 ...
La vigne qui a poussé dans l'adversité

La vigne qui a poussé dans l’adversité

Poursuivre son action au milieu d'un conflit violent exige des compétences, de la résilience et de la perspicacité. Pour les ...
The grapevine that grew in adversity

The grapevine that grew in adversity

Carrying on in the middle of violent conflict requires skill, resilience, and nous.  For the Palestinians, the last 100 years have ...
The Alliance of Funds: Collaborative philanthropy under construction in Brazil

The Alliance of Funds: Collaborative philanthropy under construction in Brazil

Although collaboration is an old practice among philanthropic organizations, the idea of "collaborative philanthropy" in Brazil is relatively new and ...
<strong>The canoes of community philanthropy and the people investing in each other</strong>

The canoes of community philanthropy and the people investing in each other

Canoes working together are better than boats with just one captain. The various canoes distribute power and decision-making influence in ...
The women who stood up for the “witches” of Northern Ghana: Community philanthropy’s role in challenging stigma and discrimination

The women who stood up for the “witches” of Northern Ghana: Community philanthropy’s role in challenging stigma and discrimination

In 2020, a 90-year-old woman, Madam Denteh, was publicly lynched to death in the Savannah region in Ghana after being ...
A different way is possible: Re-imagining development in Mozambique

A different way is possible: Re-imagining development in Mozambique

Working in civil society in Mozambique is a challenge.  Not only is the country classed as repressed by the Civicus ...