In March 2019, the GFCF invited a group of partners from Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia to travel to London for a few days to attend the annual BOND conference as well as a day-long brainstorming session aimed at taking #ShiftThePower to the next level and, more concretely, to start to plan for the Pathways to Power Symposium. Colleagues from the Dalit Community Foundation, Foundation for Civil Society, Kenya Community Development Foundation, Tewa – the Nepal Women’s Fund, West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI), and Zambian Governance Foundation were joined by U.K. colleagues from Compass / the Common Platform, Rethinking Poverty, Tyne and Wear Citizens and #TheHullWeWant. The conversations were rich and extensive, and one of the outcomes was the Manifesto for Change.
Scroll through to read the Manifesto in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, Ukrainian and Nepali.

Read the Manifesto in French:

Read the Manifesto in Spanish:

Read the Manifesto in Portuguese:

Read the Manifesto in Romanian:

Read the Manifesto in Arabic:

Read the Manifesto in Ukranian:

Read the Manifesto for Change in Nepali: