Healing Solidarity Conference 2021: Making Different Choices
At Healing Solidarity, they invite different, conscious choices in the aid sector — choices that make work more equitable, imaginative, feasible, and joyful! This year, all 15 events will be live and each day for the week of 11th – 15th October.
Questions asked include:
How can we make different choices about how we ‘do’ ‘development’, ‘aid’, and ‘philanthropy’ so that we can build models of solidarity that heal, rather than perpetuate injustice?
How can we make different choices so that this work is sustaining and generative rather than extractive and exhausting?
How can we make different choices to responsibly balance our power and still center care and love in our work? And to balance our collective power and individual agency?
How do we make different choices to ensure collective care mid-pandemic, amidst the multiple challenges of these times, when the ‘shit hits the fan’ in our organizations?
How do we make different choices within institutional structures to shape what they might be tomorrow?
Register here.