Giving for Change: Insights from WACSI on Community Philanthropy and Civic Space in Ghana
Ghana, a Giving for Change country with a population of over 32 million, is the second most populous country in West Africa. Like many other …
Ghana, a Giving for Change country with a population of over 32 million, is the second most populous country in West Africa. Like many other …
We are excited to announce the third cohort of the #ShiftThePower Fellowship! This includes fifteen global change-makers from 12 countries, each with their own unique …
Mesmo para os padrões de nosso mundo cada vez mais polarizado, a eleição presidencial de 2022 no Brasil foi particularmente tóxica. A campanha foi marcada por desinformação, assédio e violência.
We fund marginalized groups because we believe that is the way to strengthen access to rights. We see democracy as access to rights, not just voting.
The #ShiftThePower Fellowship, organized by the Global Fund for Community Foundations, is excited to announce the second cohort of the Fellowship.
Quando o primeiro-ministro Abiy Ahmed assumiu o poder na Etiópia em 2018, as esperanças no país pareciam ter se renovado. Ahmed iniciou um período de transição, prometendo reformar o estado autoritário, realizar eleições e implementar políticas de liberalização. No entanto, muitas leis restritivas permanecem em vigor e o país ainda enfrenta uma guerra civil e a violência entre diferentes comunidades ou grupos étnicos, além de abusos por parte das forças de segurança.
En 2018, lorsque le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed est arrivé au pouvoir, l’espoir semblait renaître pour le pays lorsqu’il a entamé une période de transition en Éthiopie, promettant de réformer l’État autoritaire du pays, d’organiser des élections et de mettre en œuvre certaines politiques de libéralisation. Son prédécesseur, le Premier ministre Hailemariam Desalegn, avait démissionné face à des manifestations de masse. Cependant, l’Éthiopie reste aujourd’hui en proie à la guerre civile et à la violence intercommunautaire, les abus des forces de sécurité et les violations des droits de la défense sont encore fréquents, et de nombreuses lois restrictives restent en vigueur.
In 2018 when Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed came into power, there seemed to be renewed hope for the country when he set off a transitional period in Ethiopia, promising to reform the country’s authoritarian state, holding elections, and implementing some liberalization policies. His predecessor, Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn, had resigned in the face of mass protests. However, today Ethiopia remains beset by civil war and intercommunal violence, abuses by security forces and violations of due process are still common, and many restrictive laws remain in force.
A diverse, multifaceted movement aiming to promote greater visibility of the agendas and practices of community and social justice philanthropy in Brazil.
Continuar o trabalho em meio a um conflito violento requer habilidade, resiliência e inteligência. Para os palestinos, os últimos 100 anos trouxeram colonização, expulsão e …