
La philanthropie communautaire révolutionne les mentalités en Éthiopie

En 2018, lorsque le Premier ministre Abiy Ahmed est arrivé au pouvoir, l’espoir semblait renaître pour le pays lorsqu’il a entamé une période de transition en Éthiopie, promettant de réformer l’État autoritaire du pays, d’organiser des élections et de mettre en œuvre certaines politiques de libéralisation. Son prédécesseur, le Premier ministre Hailemariam Desalegn, avait démissionné face à des manifestations de masse. Cependant, l’Éthiopie reste aujourd’hui en proie à la guerre civile et à la violence intercommunautaire, les abus des forces de sécurité et les violations des droits de la défense sont encore fréquents, et de nombreuses lois restrictives restent en vigueur.

Applications are now open for the 2023 #ShiftThePower Fellowship!

Are you involved in exciting, trailblazing and experimental grassroots or community-led work? Are you interested in being part of broader efforts to shift power and build the (civil) society we want by helping to connect the dots between innovative and emergent practices around the world? Do you want to dig into questions of “systems change” in international philanthropy and development aid with other like-minded peers? Are you interested in connecting with others like you around the world, both to learn and share, but also to strengthen the collective voice and muscle of local actors? If this sounds like you, then read on!

How to lift community-led organizations in dry aid: Experiences from Kenya

From a distance the development sector looks well. Get interested. Establish a local community organization and try your luck in the “do good” sector. Write proposals. Get regrets, rejections and finally get picked. Meet all the due diligence requirements. Sign the contract. Get a few dollars. Start implementing. Write reports. Monitor. Audit. Evaluate. Write reports. Repeat.