About the Programme
Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Power of Voices funding scheme, the Giving for Change program will run for 5-years. In Kenya, the Giving for Change program seeks to promote domestic resources mobilization and philanthropy as a strategy for increasing local ownership and influencing civic action for inclusive development. The project is anchored on the recognition of the importance of domestic resources in increasing local ownership, unlocking agency, and strengthening communities’ ability to engage duty bearers. The alliance is spearheaded by an international consortium consisting of the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF), Africa Philanthropy Network (APN), Kenya Community Development Foundation (KCDF), and Wilde Ganzen (WG). These organizations are brought together by their shared vision on community-led development through community and domestic philanthropy.
The program targets marginalized groups; Women and girls, youth, indigenous and traditional populations, LGBTQI+, black people, people living with disabilities, and small-scale farmers.
Central domain: Under this domain, we aim to support local communities and civic groups to promote inclusive and community-owned development through domestic philanthropy. The strategy involves forming local Communities of Practice (CoPs) to bring together a diverse range of Civil Society Actors (CSAs). The CoPs can be formed in a specific geographic area or around a specific issue or identity.
Domain 2: Here, we aim to influence national state and societal actors, including government, emerging philanthropists, and individual donors to support the development of community philanthropy by creating favorable conditions to promote the power of local philanthropic giving as a form and driver of social and systems change.
Domain 3: under this domain, we will influence and partner with international development actors to appreciate, support, and promote the development of community philanthropy as a central pillar of broader efforts to shift power and resources closer to the ground to strengthen local ownership of development processes and to amplify the ability of citizens and communities to be heard and to claim rights and entitlements. In addition, we aim to grow a global movement of actors committed to supporting community philanthropy as a strategy for people-led development.
The Giving for Change Alliance:
The program is being implemented in 8 countries including Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Burkina Faso, Palestine, Ghana, and Brazil, and the Netherlands through national anchor organizations.
Brazil Philanthropy Network for Social Justice
Development Expertise Center (Ethiopia)
Kenya Community Development Foundation
MICAIA Foundation (Mozambique)
West Africa Civil Society Institute – WACSI (Ghana)
Main activities
Some of the main program activities include capacity building of civil society actors in local fundraising, mobilizing support with specific training on social accountability and county budgeting process, awareness creation, lobby, and advocacy, action research, monitoring of civic space, supporting the shift the power conversations, influencing laws and policies around giving amongst others.
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