Comuá Network’s month of philanthropy: Transformational and local climate solutions
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Comuá Network’s month of philanthropy: Transformational and local climate solutions

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Comuá Network’s month of philanthropy: Transformational and local climate solutions

Comuá Network’s month of philanthropy: Transformational and local climate solutions

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What is it? A movement that proposes to debate, give visibility to, and promote the practices of Community Philanthropy and Socio-Environmental Justice and show their contribution to social transformation, access to fundamental rights and the strengthening of civil society and democracy.

What will be the month’s focus in 2024? In 2024, the Transforming Philanthropy Month will address local solutions produced by and with the communities and territories, and strategies developed by independent donor organizations to bring in resources to implement those solutions, with the understanding that climate change is transversal to the agendas of community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice.

What do we want? To give visibility to the strategies developed by the Comuá Network’s member organizations, partners, and funders, recognizing that community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice play a crucial role in the climate issue by donating so that those local solutions can be implemented and transform realities. We want to value the production of knowledge based on the practices developed by the communities in the various territories and advocate to increase the donations of resources to support the implementation of local grassroots climate solutions, i.e. the solutions conceived by civil society.

What activities are expected? This year, we will be disseminating knowledge, contents and activities that demonstrate the practices developed by community philanthropy and socio-environmental justice to support local climate solutions with financial resources, and/or even co-create them, as well as the stories of transformation carried out by communities and groups within their territories based on these local solutions.

How can I participate? By helping to disseminate this initiative, and contributing to the activities and campaigns developed by the Comuá Network and its members.

Learn more here.


Date And Time

September 1 2024 to
September 29 2024

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