Another Way Is Possible


#ShiftThePower is more than a hashtag. People and organizations within the movement have come together to collaborate and elevate each other’s voices on system wide issues in the form of global campaigns. Reach out us via [email protected] to let us know about your campaign and how we can collaborate.

Previous campaigns:

Too southern to be funded: In April 2024, the #ShiftThePower movement wrote an open letter to members of the OECD DAC to bring attention to the systematic exclusion of Southern CSOs from international funding opportunities. The letter aimed to raise awareness of this issue among Southern CSOs and ignite new discussions within Northern-based CSOs and international development agencies, advocating for a more inclusive and equitable approach to global funding.

An open letter to international donors and NGOs who want to genuinely help Ukraine: During the Ukrainian crisis triggered by the Russian invasion in 2022, the international humanitarian sector raised millions of dollars, yet these funds largely bypassed the local organizations that were first responders to the crisis. Additionally, international aid narratives often overlooked the critical contributions of these local actors. This campaign called on international NGOs operating in Ukraine to rethink their strategies to better support and strengthen local civil society.

Responding to vaccine discrimination at the height of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the #Vaccines4All campaign was an open letter to EU and UK leaders, urging them to support equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines. The letter criticized the refusal to share vaccine knowledge and production capacity with lower-income countries, especially in Africa, and called for the relaxation of intellectual property rights under the WTO TRIPS agreement. This campaign also emphasized the need for global solidarity in vaccine distribution, supporting local manufacturing, and strengthening health systems to ensure everyone is protected from the pandemic.