How I lost my respect doing community-led work
I came into the development sector as a very passionate person. That passion drove my career from the “entry-level” to ...
What does community-based legitimacy look like for advocacy organizations?
This article has been extracted from a toolkit for advocacy organizations to assess their legitimacy within communities by Maaike Matelski, Assistant Professor ...
Sentido: A poem on alternative measurement systems
By Yasmin Morais we flatten our storiesto fit the metricsthe linesthe timesthe tablesthat are so logicalthat lose their colorand are ...
Sentipensar to measure what matters: Rescuing sentido in monitoring and evaluation systems
Yasmin Morais Between July 2nd and 8th, 2024, I was in Bali, Indonesia, to participate in a meeting of a ...
Beyond the Checklist: Rethinking CSO due diligence in complexity
Dawit Dessie When I was in grad school, there was a strong push to limit overhead expenses to just 10% ...
How collective care and holding each other’s hands could change the global aid sector
Musimbi Epillose Musimbi Epillose The concept of #ShiftThePower is rapidly taking over the old development approaches. For a long time, ...
What a Balinese massage taught me about measuring what matters
Nina Fitzsimons In July 2024, the Global Fund for Community Foundations (GFCF) extended their global reach to include Australia in ...
Leading, learning and letting go: PSJP’s journey
Chandrika Sahai At Philanthropy for Social Justice and Peace (PSJP) our goal has been to centre the normative values of ...
Philanthropy that transforms
We fund marginalized groups because we believe that is the way to strengthen access to rights. We see democracy as ...
From the road to Bogotá to continuing the dance of the revolution in sustaining ourselves and nurturing our movements
Burn-out is not an isolated issue but one that affects many across social movement. Collective care involves a commitment to ...
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